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Feasting in Lindos Town

lindos (10)

Having a great hotel can mean that its hard to leave the luxury of the estate. However we are no pampered princesses! We have itchy explorer feet, and so Caroline and I washed our sea hair and threw on some glad rags for a wander into Lindos town.

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Lindos is a gorgeous tiny town. Its like nothing Ive seen before, and a world away from London City. White stone washed walls, trees hanging low across the uneven cobbles. The building are so tightly packed and leaning in, it almost feel like your inside. 

Built on a hill, the paths twist and turn and needless to say we got lost many a time.Over here, there are no street signs or road names. 

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Entering what is predominately a tourist town, there are many 'tourist trap' restaurants and bars. It can be a bit of a nightmare to know where to go. However one thing Brits on Holiday are good at is recommending places to the newcomer's. We'd been told by several people that we have to go to Ambrosia and ask for George. From the sounds of it he was a bit of a local celebrity, so what else was there to do, but go and find out for ourselves.

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Ambrosia which is Greek for "Food of the Gods" is a Greek and Mediterranean restaurant, using only what the locals produce, to give a true Rhodes Feast. As promised George welcomed us with open arms (literally- he was very dramatic). Throwing on a table cloth, he proceeded to tell us all about the history, the produce and very much his life story. It was the fantastic rustic charm we had hoped for.

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Cracking open a bottle of wine, we decided to share some plates so we could try more. George recommended the courgette puffs with pesto and tzatziki sauce, and a shrimp saganaki as Caroline pounced on it immediately. 

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We decided to embrace Island life and go for seafood for mains. I adore seafood and fish so I had no quibbles about this... although this guy might have done-

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What a beaut!

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Whole sea bream, filleted at our table. 

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However not one to let others do my dirty work, I got stuck in with the sea food lobster. I should be an expert now after my time at Bonnie Gull's

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The food was delicious. A true taste of local food. Each dish George cooks to however you like it, to give such a warm experience. No wonder hes the talk of the town. 

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As we wandered, trying to find our way back, we caught a whiff of something rather magical. A open shop selling crepes. But not just any old crepes, oh no, these crepes were truly indulgent. Any flavour, topping and ingredient was available. Pile them high, the more the better. I just cant resist- no thought for the bikini body whatsoever. 

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Being British tourist women helped as we were told we could have ANY toppings we liked. Not realising we were foodies, we took it to the extreme. I opted for the healthy and low calorie, white chocolate, oreos and Kinder Beuno PASTE! Yes a jar like nutella but just of the stuff inside a Kinder Beuno! Say what??! Oh and a huge scoop of caramel ice cream for good measure. 

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After our indulgent feast, we headed on out in search of another type of feast- a liquid one. After that there are no pictures, or at least ones I wish to share. But lets just say we felt rather like that donkey by the end of the night. 

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