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Almost There...

Another day, another pile of stuff out of the house. We're beyond making a dent in it; we've beaten it to a pulp. We've got this weekend to finish it off, and we'll get it done. This move is happening, baby!

I don't really have a lot to say tonight; I'm tired, and it's late, and I would dearly love to sleep in for a while. But that's not going to happen, since there's still more to do. In the end, the house is going to look like a million bucks. Well, maybe not that much, but quite a bit, anyway. I've had my differences with my mother-in-law, but she can definitely make a bedroom look swank. Even I was ready to fork out cash when I saw what she'd done with them.

Shout-out to my buddy's girlfriend, who came in tonight to help out with the cleaning; she and my wife got the kitchen almost finished, and there's not much left to do now. We've got until tomorrow afternoon to get the house looking good for the realtor to take pictures, then we've got until Sunday night to clean this place to within an inch of its life.

After that, we'll be camping for the week to get out of the way of the real estate agents bringing potential buyers through. So, my posting will be sporadic, at best. When I can get internet access, I'll keep going with the Traveller Let's Read, since that seems to be a popular series with my readers. Other than that, though, there won't be much opportunity for posting for the next week or so.

Feel free to read something else I've written, though; you can find lots of my books on Amazon right now. Just look me up: Glen Sprigg. There's going to be something there to get your attention, rest assured. In the meantime, have a great weekend, and keep on reading good stories.

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