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Samsung has been in the news for years, but there's a lot about the company that you didn't know about. I will present to you top 5 FACTS ABOUT SAMSUNG maybe you weren't aware of.

#5 - Samsung construction division built at the Burj Khalifa which is the tallest building in the world in Dubai.

#4 - Samsung account for 17% of careers growth domestic products.

#3 - In Korean, the word Samsung means 'three stars'. The name which chosen by Samsung founder, Lee Byung Chull who's vision for his company to be powerful and everlasting as the stars in the sky. Extra fact, Samsung logo used to feature of those three stars.

#2 - The first ever Samsung company, Samsung Sung Ho launched in 1938 as a grocery trading company. Employed 40 workers, they make their own noodles.

#1 - The number one fact that you might not know about Samsung is,  1:3 of smartphones sold in the world are made by Samsung. Perhaps the one in your pocket is. If it's not, ask your friend. 

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